Agency: AMV BBDO
Date: Aug 2020
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2020 has marked a serious dampener on Pride festivals, parties and parades around the world due to the Covid-19 pandemic forcing governments to restrict and even ban large public gatherings.

Hundreds of Pride festivals have been postponed or cancelled, keeping in line with government guidelines and protecting the health and safety of the community.

Gay Star News (GSN) and Digital Pride created a virtual Pride festival that aims to make a safe space for anyone and everyone wanting to take part in pride celebration.

Each AR Pride float comprises of a face Lens that allows a Snapchatter to transform their face with fun and playful Pride inspired designs. Think drag queen makeup or rainbow face paint. Flip the camera around and you can place the individual Pride floats into your space, playing with their placement and size, fully immersing yourself in the AR Pride festival experience.



Antony Eagle – AMV BBDO

Claire Gordon-Webster

Snapchat OLCs (Official Lens Creator):

Brielle Garcia

Clara Bacou

Joshua Keeney

Tom Martin-Davies


Kate Mellett - Snapchat

Marina Glavan – AMV BBDO


Jen Bechard - AMV BBDO

Kaitlyn Benitez-Strine - Snapchat


Tobi Ruth Adebekun


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