
By Stephen Lepitak, -

May 21, 2014 | 2 min read

Buzzfeed's vice president of advertising - Europe, Will Hayward, has said that there is a dawning realisation from media companies on how difficult content creation that is widely shared has become.

Speaking to The Drum at Bite's Stop Content Pollution conference, Hayward discussed the rise in companies aiming to share their content through platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, to increasingly diminishing effect.

"You can't trick social'" he stated. "So, what will inevitably happen is that the stuff that's being created that's of poor quality and doesn't think about identity or humour or nostalgia and doesn't hit the nail on the head, it just won't get distributed much. Facebook is continually tweaking that algorithm to shift towards the things that people are really enjoying."

He went on to discuss the development in how Facebook is aiming to grow content sharing, which is benefitting media companies more, and the growing issue of content pollution and the difficult in achieving cut through as a result.

Also speaking at the event was Lord David Puttnam, who highlighted his concern about the evolution of news delivery strategies being blurred with commercial strategies.