Ricky Gervais

Cruelty Free International website, featuring Ricky Gervais, developed by Drumbeat


By The Drum Team, Editorial

March 16, 2012 | 1 min read

A new website has been launched by the anti-animal cruelty organisations the BUAV, as it aims to take its campaign against product testing on animals internationally.

The website, created by Manchester design consultancy, Drumbeat, goes live following the creation of Cruelty Free International, a non-global not-for-profit organisation which sees an allegiance formed between BUAV and NEAVS (the New England Anti-Vivisection Society).

The multiple language website features a video with Ricky Gervais, the organisation’s celebrity ambassador, shot to spearhead its campaign. The site has also been developed for integrate with Facebook and Twitter, as well as featuring a campaigning call to action to add their voice to the cause.

The branded Facebook pages were also created by Drumbeat.

Ricky Gervais

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Drumbeat Creative

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