We are changing the way you access your account on The Drum

Discover how we’re making our products easier to use.

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What are we changing?

Signing In

We’re providing customers who administrate a product with The Drum with a single and consistent method of sign in that works across all of The Drum’s products. These include:

You will now able to use one username and password to access any of our product suite.

Your new Drum Dashboard

Signing in will provide a single Drum Dashboard giving you an overview and links to all your Drum products.You will continue to manage each product as you have previously.

How do I get access?

You can get access to your Drum Dashboard if you have an active membership to any of The Drum’s products. These products include: The Drum Contributor Network, RAR (Recommended Agency Register) and any number of The Drum Awards. At the moment, subscribers to The Drum Ink (Magazine subscribers) cannot access The Drum Dashboard.

Need some help?

We understand you may have questions and feedback, and we would be happy to hear your thoughts. Please email us at support@thedrum.com

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