Agency: Uncle Grey
Date: Jan 2017
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In Copenhagen, Denmark, Amnesty International has kicked of the new year with a rather hard hitting message drawing attention to the crisis in Aleppo, Syria.

The project is called Fireworks from Aleppo and is an acoustic recreation of a Danish New Year’s Eve using actual sounds of the bombardment of Aleppo, Syria. This was broadcasted across Denmark in the days following New Year’s Eve.

At first listeners think that they’re hearing a playback of the New Year’s Eve they experienced a few days ago, but after a while reality hits them. The voice over reveals the true nature of the horrible sounds and encourages people to donate to help Amnesty continue their work to secure the safety of the civilians in Aleppo.

Living in the happiest country on earth it’s hard to comprehend the situation in Aleppo, Syria. But on New Year’s Eve Danes gets a taste of the chaos taking place in the middle east. Without even thinking about it.


Creative director: Thomas Ilun

Senior art director: Lukas Lund

Creative/videographer: Felix Ebell

Additional Credits: Editor: Magnus Kristoffersen

Drone operator/videographer: Kenneth Nguyen

Account manager: Madeleine Naesborg

Chief strategy officer: Lars Samuelsen

Head of media strategy and planning: Rasmus Skjott

Sound design: Freezone

Media partner: Beon Nordics