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Working with Care, the Center for Adolescent Research & Education, McCann Health created a harshly emotional spot that exposes the cold hard reality of death by prescription drugs.

In the 100-second spot, 'Pay the Price' we watch a headphone-wearing teenager from his point of view saying goodbye to his mother, who takes some medication before leaving the house. The teen then goes through normal teen actions, like pouring juice and eating a bowl of cereal before, shockingly, vomiting and then stumbling through the living room before crashing through a glass coffee table. The spot then rewinds to ask if we have the real story. The scene plays again, but this time the POV shows the teen taking the medications his mother took then rummaging through the medicine cabinet and bedside night stand to find and take more pills. After crashing through the table, he tries to call someone before collapsing.

Copy reads: “Prescription drug-induced seizure. Paid for by you.” It then shows stats for drunk driving deaths and suicide deaths per day in the US, comparing with Rx drug abuse deaths, which tick up at nearly twice the rate of the others combined before pleading with parents to “create a prescription drug safe home, or pay the price.”


McCann Health Global Chief Creative Officer: Jeremy Perrott

Agency: McCann Health NY

Director: David Hartley

Production Company: Great Guns

Executive Producer: Laura Gregory/ Clarissa Troop

Producers: Mathew Alden and Ollie Perrin

DOP: Max Witting

Art Director: Katherine Trigg

Stunt Coordinator: Gary Arthur

Editor: Mitch Kalisa

Post Production: Unit

Talent: Katie Pattinson and Adam Pritchard